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Emergency Preparedness and Response

Camera Crew at APAP|NYC by Adam Kissick/APAP
In light of recent disasters, acts of violence and pandemics, APAP’s field partners provide an array of resources to help you prepare for and respond to emergencies.

Emergency Resources

Emergency Preparedness: General Resources

Disaster Relief: General Resources

Emergency Relief: Funding

Disaster Relief: Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria

Safety Resources

The horrific acts of violence that have taken place in Las Vegas, Paris, and Manchester remind us that cultural events can be targets. Our field partner ArtsReady recommends the following resources to assist in your preparation for and response to acts of violence.

Additionally, catastrophic loss of life that happened at Astroworld in Houston reminds us how important safety is at live events. Here are some insights from the Event Safety Alliance. 

Active Shooter

From the U.S. Department of Homeland Security:

  • Publication: Active Shooter: How to Respond - This booklet contains advice on individual responses including evacuation and hiding out, as well as guidance on training your staff on how to prepare and respond.
  • Webinar: 90-minute Active Shooter Webinar - This 90-minute recorded webinar from the Department of Homeland Security can help the private and public sector understand the importance of developing an emergency response plan and the need to train employees on how to respond if confronted with an active shooter.

From the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

  • Video: Surviving an Active Shooter (WARNING HIGHLY GRAPHIC) portraying a number of different types of active shooter scenarios and how to protect yourself and those around you.

Bomb Threat

From the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI):

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